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As you are reading this you are interested in maintaining younger looking skin, reducing wrinkles or reducing the signs of aging.  Like many men I came to anti aging skin care later in life than women I know, this is due to the attitudes of men and the lack of interest which they take in their appearance in earlier life.  Women and girls tend to take a more proactive attitude to skin care, applying moisturiser and other products at an early age which brings benefit in later life when most women look younger and more vital than men of a similar age.

There are other factors which contribute to healthier and better skin condition, regular exercise and a balanced diet, avoiding tobacco and alcohol also help.  Here again women are better than men by for instance taking regular exercise and having a healthier lifestyle.

There is no magic solution to reducing the signs of aging it really needs a combination of many small steps over time, we would love to hear of your experiences and what has worked for you, and the things which made a tangible difference so that others who read this blog can benefit from your experiences

8 Responses to “Do follow Blog, Comment luv, Keyword Luv.”

  1. admin Says:

    Hi, thank you for letting me know. It works fine on my Firefox but I will try it at an internet cafe to ensure it works.

    All the best

  2. Gloria Says:

    These creams work great. Who says you have to spend tons of money to do that.
    .-= Gloria´s last blog ..Pilates Wunda Machine =-.

  3. Jesse@dark circle concealers Says:

    Well, all I can say is I can vouch for exercise keeping one young and beautiful. I’m just over the hill and I always get comments from strangers saying that I look like I’m in my mid-twenties. Strength train three times a week and do some cardio three times a week. It doesn’t have to be hours and hours, just 20 minutes per day and you’re good.
    .-= Jesse@dark circle concealers´s last blog ..Dark Circle Concealer =-.

  4. kaye@skin care Says:

    So true for women can be more conscious about their external appearance compared to men. So vanity can have its advantages to. It is very important to care about our skin in any way we can, and to also take care of our body with the right food and exercise.

  5. Feli @ Dry Skin Lotion Says:

    Winter is definitely hard on skin. Strong moisturizers, sun screen, and drinking plenty of water are great tips to follow. I am looking forward to Spring!

  6. Feli @ Dry Skin Lotion Says:

    The single most important thing you can do to improve skin condition is to pause – and then find out some basic information about our skin and how to take care of it. The most important things to learn about are: the importance of water – both washing in the right way and drinking the right amounts; healthy living in terms of diet and exercise – and also choosing the those skin products that are of most benefit.
    .-= Feli @ Dry Skin Lotion´s last blog ..Dry Skin Treatment =-.

  7. Anna @ Skin Care Says:

    Which is the best in given skin lotion,and i will using some skin lotions,these are some more helpful for my skin.
    .-= Anna @ Skin Care´s last blog ..Natural Soap =-.

  8. Aging Creams Says:

    what works for me are products themselves. I’ve set myself up as a guinea pig and I found out that most products don’t work, but a few do work wonders. The confusion comes in when there are so many products to research first. What works for one person may not work for another. That’s the reality. From what I’ve seen though, diet and exercise has no effect on skin in my experience. It could also be genetic, but the main factor is the environment. Are you out in the sun all day?
    .-= Aging Creams´s last blog ..Skin Care Tip Sure- Here’s 5 Skin Care Tips To Put Your Best Face Forward =-.

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